The stage is yours

And the timing has never been better

Promote yourself to over 500 million iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch users with the Anywhere Artist app platform.

Build a quick, customized, app with the easy-to-use Anywhere Artist Portal.

Share music, news, show dates, photos, videos, and much more.

Take the tour

Digital Media Interactive Presents: The Most Versatile Mobile Promotion Platform for Any Industry, from Music to Tourism, Anywhere.

Are you a record label or artist looking to get a FREE app? 

Contact us to get on the Invite List.  We are currently looking for motivated artists for our Hip-Hop, Rock, Electronica, New Age Piano, Reggae, and Gospel Compilation Apps

Are you a destination looking to boost tourism or a production studio with a TV show or movie you want to promote?

Get a quote for a fully customized app today.

To Get Started Today:


Coming to an Android device near you - Q3 2012